Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Final Tribute to my Girlfriends - Winona Hamrick

Winona Hamrick is my husband's grandmother and my hero. She is hands down the person I know who is most like Jesus. She is truly an example of someone who has given her life away. She's a prayer warrior and has a servants heart. She is an example of someone who is finishing well. We always stop by and visit Carl's grandparents when we're in town and this past weekend we were able to see them again. She's always so excited when we're there and in spite of her immense physical pain, she took time to get down in the floor and play with Ezra. She writes to people in prison, plays the piano at her church and sends my husband a birthday card every year with $10 bill! She's the best hugger on planet earth and I'm so proud that she's my grandmother-in-law!!

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