Friday, September 23, 2011

Exclamation Point

I realize that I'm one of those people who always uses exclamation points. I use them all the time. In fact, the exclamation point is more like a period and when I want to convey excitement or any sort of emotion, I'll use multiple exclamation points. I'm not sure why - I honestly find it hard to communicate with the written word - i'd rather just talk to you face to face. That being said, if I have to type, I want to make sure I communicate to someone my voice inflection and therefore I use (or should I say overuse) the exclamation point. It's odd b/c I find it a little annoying when I read e-mails or blogs with lots of them in there, I just can't seem to help myself. In fact, I had a hard time not using one in the previous sentence. I guess I'm just excited to be blogging again.(!)