Sunday, June 1, 2008

My sweet baby Boy

Ok - before I post these adorable pics, I have to confess that I might be the worst "blogger" of all times. I have great intentions, but the busyness of the "urgent" just creeps in!! Anyway, enough is enough! It's time I share this sweet boy with the rest of the world!! Ezra Stone Cartee was born on April 17th 10:51am and weighed 8lbs. 8oz. He's doing really well and only woke up ONE TIME to feed last night!! (Praise God for four straight hours of sleep!!). I have many fun stories to share and will try and post them over the next several days. Until then, feast your eyes on one of my greatest accomplishemnts (equal to my two year old and second only to marrying the greatest man in the whole world!)


Kendra Haneline said...

doth my eyes deceive me???? i do believe i see something different than snow when i click here.. yay! i'm so happy to see pics of the baby boy, who is too sinking cute by the way. i'm glad you've came into the blogsphere.

Rhonda said...

Oh thank you so much for posting pics! I check regularly to satisfy my little appetite to see Ezra. He is absolutely adorable. I am so happy for you guys and hope things are settling down some. Congrats to being such a wonderful mom. We miss you guys but know that God is really using ya'll a lot. You are in our prayers regularly. Take care!

Mrs. Jackie Sue said...

Oh Congrats to you FOUR! Praise God for His blessings to you. I hear you on the four hours of sleep for sure. It's temporary (you know). Hug your three men for us. ~ Jackie and family
(we met Carl in Gua)