Friday, June 27, 2008

Am I a camper???

I've never considered myself a camper. . . in fact, I don't really like things like the woods or being outdoors unless the conditions are perfect or there's a pool, lake or beach involded. I hate bugs, spiders and all other creepy-crawly things!
However, in looking back at my life over the last 10 years or so, one would think I love camping. My husband (and now boys) and I spend anywhere b/t six and 10 weeks every summer at camps. Of course, we're not sleeping in a tent and hiking a lot but there are bugs involved. There are also sweaty middle school boys, scary laundromats and lots of cafeteria food!! I know it sounds crazy but I LOVE IT!! Every year I look forward to our "camp season". I think that this year I'm especially fond of it b/c I have two boys of my own and know that one day they will be campers somewhere. It makes me tear up just thinking about it!! I really want to invest all I can into the students we come in contact with this summer b/c I know someday people will be investing in my boys!! Every "camper" is someone's son or daughter who is, just like me, in desperate need of a savior! Since we get to lead worship for these student camps, often times we're able to catch a glimpse of that connection b/t camper and Savior and it's the most amamzing thing I've ever seen. I'm honored to be a part and believe it one of the biggest blessings I've ever had!!
Enough for now, I have to go pack for camp!


Stephens Family News said...

Hi Heather,

Kristin Stephens here. My husband, Chris, played bass with Carl on the trip to Turkey with Providence Baptist Church (Raleigh). I guess the last time we saw you was a few years ago when you were leading worship at Metamorphosis (Apex Baptist Church, Apex, NC).

Your boys are so precious! What a blessing! I love your post about the camp. I've worked with kids for years, and it's amazing how the Lord softens your heart toward them even more when you become a parent.

We'll be praying for you as you lead worship at camps this summer!
Feel free to visit our silly blog:

The Via Colony said...

Hey, I'd love to hear how you travel being a mom now. Do you go to most everything with Carl or does he do a lot of stuff by himself now? Do you bring the kids or do you find a place for them to stay. Josh and I are still trying to figure out all this travel stuff=) I love it, but it sure is exhausting.

Oh yeah, hi, this is Tasha Via. I played with ya'll at the Gatlinburg conference with Clayton King.

Kendra Haneline said...

Hey girl...I can't wait to see ya'll next weekend. That picture of the family is great! Little Ezra is getting so big. Have save travels to NC.

Kendra Haneline said...

oops... i meant "safe" travels. it's late... ha!

Lauren said...

I know you are a blessing to so many...I enjoy reading your blog!

love and miss you!